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Doctor Ayurvedic

Nag Barod Aayurvedic

Ayurveda is an ancient natural healing system that originated in India over 5000 years ago. The invasion by foreign invaders who plundered the country and tried to destroy its rich and unique heritage, hit the land’s leading healers hard. Many were killed, tortured and others were banned from practicing their healing arts. Ayurveda was labeled as black magic and dark arts. The invasion by modern science and treatment methods continued until the last century. However, like every genuine reality that eventually becomes sublime, Ayurveda rose from the ashes and inspired by the faith of millions, is growing today with a CAGR of 15%. The global Ayurvedic market size, valued at US$9 billion in 2022/23, is projected to reach US$26.1 billion by 2032.